Create a custom jQuery plug-in

jQuery is a powerful library that delivers all of the core functions you need when developing a JavaScript project. However, sometimes it's necessary to extend the core functions with custom code that helps you be more productive. In this article, learn how to create a custom reusable plug-in using the jQuery library.


The jQuery library is designed to speed up JavaScript development. It helps you write less code by simplifying the way you write JavaScript. When using the jQuery library, you might find that you rewrite the same code for common functions. If this is the case, this may be a reason for you to write your own custom jQuery plug-in.
jQuery plug-ins let you extend the jQuery library with custom code; you can use plug-ins for any repetitive function. For example, many plug-ins are available for slideshows and for drop-down and accordion menus. If you search for jQuery plug-ins, you'll find plenty of examples that you can use in your own projects (and see how they were built).
In this article, learn how to quickly create a custom jQuery plug-in. Example code and step-by-step instructions show you how to create a jQuery accordion plug-in. If you know jQuery and are ready to take your skills to the next level, this article is perfect for you.
You can See the source code for the examples used in this article.

Getting started

jQuery is a library that extends the JavaScript language. When creating a jQuery plug-in, you're essentially extending the jQuery library, which in turn is extending JavaScript itself. Truly understanding how your plug-in extends the jQuery library requires an understanding of the JavaScript prototype property. Although it is not used directly, the JavaScript prototype property is used behind the scenes through the jQuery property fn, which is a jQuery alias for the native JavaScript prototype property.
To create a new jQuery plug-in using the fn property, simply assign a plug-in name to the fn property and point it to a new function that will act as the constructor function, similar to plain JavaScript. The code in Listing 1 shows how to define a new jQuery plug-in named accordion by using the jQuery object and the fn property and assigning it to a new constructor function.
Listing 1. Defining a new jQuery plug-in named accordion
jQuery.fn.accordion = function() {
  // Add plugin code here
Listing 1 shows one way to create a jQuery plug-in; there is nothing functionally wrong with the example. However, the recommended way to create a jQuery plug-in is to first create a wrapper function that lets you use the dollar sign ($). By default, the dollar sign can cause conflicts with other JavaScript frameworks. If you wrap your plug-in in a function, conflicts won't occur with other JavaScript frameworks and the use of the dollar sign. The example code in Listing 2 shows how to apply a wrapper function to a jQuery plug-in definition.
Listing 2. Wrapping a new jQuery plug-in named accordion in a wrapper function
(function($) {
  $.fn.accordion = function() {
    // Add plugin code here
In Listing 2 the jQuery keyword is applied to the wrapper function, which lets you use the dollar sign within the plug-in as you do when using the fn property. With the wrapper function in place, you can use the dollar sign in lieu of the jQuery keyword anywhere throughout the plug-in without interfering with other third-party plug-ins. This option provides a way to write less code throughout the plug-in and helps to keep your plug-in code cleaner and easier to maintain.

Maintaining chainability

A benefit of jQuery is that it lets you use any type of selector. However, you must keep in mind that your plug-in can be dealing with several different element types. Using the this keyword lets your plug-in apply the associated functions by accessing each element in a loop regardless of the element type. If you use the return keyword in front of the each loop, you can maintain chainability with your plug-in. Listing 3 shows the each loop being assigned to a function handler and combined with the return keyword.
Listing 3. Using the return keyword in front of the each loop
(function($) {
  $.fn.accordion = function() {
    return this.each(function() {
      // Using return allows for chainability
With the code in Listing 3, the example accordion plug-in can be used in a chain of method calls. With chainability—another great jQuery feature—your plug-in can be used in a chain of method calls. For example, the following code shows how an HTML element is faded out and then removed from the document object model (DOM) in a single chain of method calls.

Structuring an accordion

A typical accordion design includes title bars and related content areas. Definition lists are a great HTML structure for accordions; dt elements are used for titles and dd elements are used for content areas. The HTML structure in Listing 4 is a definition list with four titles and their corresponding content areas.
Listing 4. A single chain of method calls
<dl class="accordion" id="my-accordion">
  <dt>Section 1</dt>
    <dd>Mauris mauris ante, blandit et, ultrices a, suscipit eget, quam.</dd>
  <dt>Section 2</dt>
    <dd>Vestibulum a velit eu ante scelerisque vulputate.</dd>
  <dt>Section 3</dt>
    <dd>Nam mi. Proin viverra leo ut odio. Curabitur malesuada.</dd>
  <dt>Section 4</dt>
    <dd>Vivamus nisi metus, molestie vel, gravida in, condimentum sit amet, nunc.</dd>
Listing 5. Accordion CSS class used to define styles for the overall definition list
.accordion {
  width: 500px;
  border: 1px solid #ccc;
  border-bottom: none;
  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  font-size: 12px;
You then use the accordion CSS class to define the styles for the titles (dt) and content (dd). The titles and content both include shared styles that define a bottom border and set the margin to 0, which allows the title bars and content areas to rest snuggly against each other, as in Listing 6.
Listing 6. Shared styles associated with titles and content areas of the accordion
.accordion dt, 
.accordion dd {
  border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
  margin: 0px;
To make the dt element look more like a title bar, set a background color and add a pointer cursor so it's apparent to users that the title bar is clickable. Various other styles are included in these classes, such as padding, a font size, and a font weight. The dd element has added padding to space out the description a bit from the titles. Listing 7 shows an example.
Listing 7. CSS classes associated with title and content areas of the accordion
.accordion dt {
  background: #eaeaea;
  cursor: pointer;
  padding: 8px 4px;
  font-size: 13px;
  font-weight: bold;
.accordion dd {
  padding: 12px 8px;

Custom coding your plug-in

To make a functional accordion, you must apply custom code to the jQuery plug-in function that you started creating in the previous section. The accordion plug-in starts by looping through all defined accordions. To define an accordion, use the following jQuery within the HTML document or within an externally embedded JavaScript file.
For each accordion, you access the associated definition titles using jQuery's children method, which returns an array or dt elements. Apply a click event to the dt elements, then apply a method named reset to each dt. The reset method collapses all dd elements when the accordion first loads. The click event triggers a custom method named onClick when a dt element or title bar is clicked. The custom onClick method looks for all the dt elements within the accordion. It calls a custom hide method, which hides every associated dd element by using the next method to find the dd element next to the dt element, and then slides it up to animate it closed.
After all dd elements are hidden, the dd element associated with the clicked dt element becomes visible using the slideDown method and creates an expanding and contracting animation, as in Listing 8. The final line of code in the onClick method is return false, which ensures that any title bar that is clicked does not exhibit its usual behavior. For example, if you used an anchor element as the title bar, you would want to return false so the user isn't directed to another page or portion of the existing page.
Listing 8. Custom accordion functions used to create a jQuery plug-in
(function($) {
  $.fn.accordion = function(options) {
    return this.each(function() {
      var dts = $(this).children('dt');;
    function onClick() {
      return false;

    function hide() {

    function reset() {
When this accordion plug-in is associated with an HTML definition list structure like the one you previously created, the accordion function will be applied. With accordion functions, when one title bar or dt element is clicked, its content area is opened and any other open content areas are closed. In other words, only one content area can be open at a time.


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